13 Nov 2022 - SQL views updates

Included in this release:

Feedback or questions? 
Email us as support@projectworks.io and one of the team will get back to you!



SQL Views updated

A lot of customers are utilising the data connection to create their own reports in tools such as PowerBI. 

Columns added to existing views

  • BI.FactProject and BI.DimProject
    • DefaultPONo (this is the 'Reference / PO No' field on settings > invoicing within a project)
    • DefaultBillingMethod
  • BI.FactExpenseClaim
    • InvoicedAmount
  • BI.DimClient
    • AddressID
  • BI.FactProjectRisks
    • IsActive

New views added

  • BI.DimAddress
    • Has the address columns for companies and billing contacts
  • BI.DimClientTypes
    • Shows the values that are maintained in the company types screen in admin (can be added to a company on company details screen)


Please email support@projectworks.io if you are using the data connection and have any requests of suggestions on changes we can make to the views to make your reporting easier.


Custom fields on archived projects

When archiving a project any custom fields that are mandatory for archived projects will be shown if they haven’t been populated. All mandatory custom fields need to be populated to archive the project.

custom fields - archived projects

User settings when creating new user

When adding new users the time auto formatting option will be set to “enter time in hours”. 

Refer to the user preferences article for more information