The team has been busy working on some exciting new features!
Included in this release:
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Changes to work weeks
As working arrangements are becoming increasingly flexible, and more of your businesses are expanding in to multiple countries - maintaining work weeks has become challenging. We have made some changes to the way you enter work weeks and how we calculate people’s FTE status to make things easier.
Organisation Work Weeks
If you have multiple organisations that have different default work week structures, you can now set these up.
Read more about organisation work weeks →
As part of this change, your existing organisations have inherited the same standard work week. If your organisation’s have different standard work week structures, you will need to edit them.
Person work weeks
When you add a new person, they will initially inherit the standard work week structure for the organisation they are associated to. If their work week is different to the organisation standard you can set the work hours that apply to them.. People’s FTE status is calculated based on the number of hours per week they work compared to the standard work week structure of the organisation they are employed by.
To change the number of hours a person is contracted to work, we have made it easier to change. You can simply update the hours per day that they are contracted to work, as opposed to having to set up a new work week, if there’s nobody else who is contracted with the same work week structure.
⚠️ For those who use the GetUserPostings API endpoint*
The change in the way we manage a person’s posting work week will introduce a single breaking change to the GetUserPostings API.!/Users/Users_GetUserPostings
WorkWeekID (int) will be removed from the response
CapacityDays (array) has been added to the response
Until it’s scheduled deprecation, the posting API responses will continue to include WorkWeekID. However, postings whose work week have changed, or new postings will NOT have a WorkWeekID in the response.
WorkWeekID will be removed from the response after the end of May 2024.
*If you view postings in the Projectworks web application, this breaking change will not impact you.
⚠️For those who use the GetWorkWeeks API endpoint*
This API endpoint will be deprecated after the end of May 2024, after which the GetWorkWeeks API endpoint request will fail.
*The CapacityDays (array) in the GetUserPostings API response will contain this information.
Read more about adding a posting →
Work weeks
With the changes to the way to you add a person’s work week to their posting, you no longer need to edit, or create new, work weeks.
Don’t worry! Whilst you will no longer be able to view or edit a work week, the work week capacity will remain as per the Work Week that was saved to a person’s posting.
Deactivating users
When you deactivate a user from Projectworks, you will now be prompted to enter a posting end date for them. Ending a posting ensures that there is no time, leave or expenses incurred outside of a person’s employment, and that they are removed in the businesses headcount. Any resourcing that falls outside of the users posting will be automatically removed, so it is excluded as a projected cost and does not impact margin calculations.
Read more about deactivating a user →
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