17 June 2024 - Group expenses to export (beta) and Purchase Orders (beta)

The team has been busy working on some exciting new features, which are now available in beta!

Included in this release:

Feedback or questions? 

Email us at support@projectworks.com and one of the team will get back to you!

Group expenses to export (beta)

Manage expenses as a single payment in your accounting system!

Projectworks now allows you to export multiple expenses to your accounting system as as single bill to pay. This allows you to export a group of expenses associated to:

  1. a single supplier invoice; or
  2. a single employee.

Read more about exporting grouped expenses →

Purchase Orders (beta)

We are excited to have the first version of our Purchase Order (PO) functionality ready for open beta use!

If your expenses are integrated with Xero or QuickBooks, you can now enable the Purchase Order (beta) feature so you can:

  1. create;
  2. email;
  3. receipt; and
  4. export;

Purchase Orders.

Read more about Purchase Orders →

A big thanks to those who have been providing feedback as part of our Purchase Order (closed beta) group!

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