19 Dec 2021 - HubSpot integration (beta)

Configure HubSpot to create projects in Projectworks when deals are won in HubSpot.

HubSpot integration - create  projects from deals

We are pleased to have the first version of our native integration with HubSpot ready for beta use. 

Please contact support@projectworks.io if you would like to join the beta program.

Enabling the integration

Once the integration has been enabled in your environment you will be able to authenticate with HubsSpot to establish the connection between the two systems.

This in done in the admin section: admin > integration > enable integrations

Hubspot - enable integration

With the HubSpot integration enabled you will be able to complete the setup on the HubSpot tab.

You will need to have HubSpot administrator access to establish the connection.

How the integration works

The heavy lifting of setting up the integration is done within HubSpot where you use the HubSpot workflow function to build the workflows that will turn HubSpot deals into projects in Projectworks.

Please note that you must be a HubSpot Administrator. When setting up the workflow, ensure that it is Deal Based.

Ensure you select Deal Based when setting up the workflow 


Below is an example showing how to create a HubSpot workflow that will create a project in Projectworks when a deal is won in HubSpot. Note that you can create multiple workflows if needed.

Creating a workflow in HubSpot to create projects in Projectworks when deals are won

Please contact support@projectworks.io if you would like to join the beta program.