3 November 2024 - View project, project budget, and timecode custom fields on additional screens

Included in this release:

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Custom field enhancements

You now have the ability to filter, group and show the custom fields for the following entities on additional screens:

  1. Project custom fields can now be shown on the:

    1. Person > Time Entries screen;

  2. Project budget custom fields can now be shown on the:

    1. Person > Time Entries; and

    2. Project >Timecodes screens; and

  3. Timecode custom fields can also be shown on the:

    1. Person > Time Entries; and

    2. Project >Timecodes screens.

Read more about custom fields →

Deprecation of WorkHours from SQL reporting

Warning For Users who are using an SQL connection for reporting ONLY

The improvement to the way we calculate peoples' costs increased the load on calculating the WorkHours for a financial year when running some SQL views.

To reduce this load, we have zeroed out WorkHours in the following views:

  • FactHourlyBenefit;

  • FactHourlyCost; and

  • FactUserCost.

If you need the total work hours for a user for a financial year, there is now a new view that will contain this information:

  • FactFYWorkHours.

We plan to remove WorkHours from the following views by Sunday 15th December 2024:

  • FactHourlyBenefit;

  • FactHourlyCost; and

  • FactUserCost.

Please remove the WorkHours column from your BI reports and queries prior to this date.

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