4 Sep 2022 - Timesheet submit & approvals

This release is all about timesheets. Companies can choose to implement a timesheet submit and/or approval process. Each person now has a my timesheets screen where their weekly timesheets are listed. New features have been added to the timesheet making it easier to use.

Feedback or questions? 
Email us as support@projectworks.io and one of the team will get back to you!


What didn't change

  • Timesheets essentially work the same way (just better)
  • Time entries can still be marked as reviewed (this is separate to approving a timesheet)
  • Timesheets look different but people won't have to do anything different

Things that changed

  • Your timesheet looks different, but the basics of doing their timesheet hasn’t changed
  • There is an improved editing experience (in week view) and new functions to show/hide columns and group timecodes
  • A new Timesheets section is added, where people can see a history of their timesheets

Refer to the timesheets section of the help center for more details.

Preview of My timesheets and new look timesheet

New options: Submit and approval process

Your company can choose to implement a process where timesheets need to be submitted and/or approved. This can be set up by your Projectworks administrator.

Refer to the timesheet configuration options and setting up timesheet submit and approvals articles for detailed instructions.


Projectworks administrators: Please contact support@projectworks.io if you would like help with setting up the timesheet submit and approval process for your company.