Invoicing using percentage complete

Some companies will raise invoices based on cumulative percentage complete for budgets within a project. From an invoice creation perspective they are generated from the forecast amount, with the amount to invoice being determined by the percentage of the budget consumption.

Revenue forecasts can be entered as percentage complete for each month. This is great for companies who invoice based on progress.

To use this feature your Projectworks administrator will first need to enable to it in Settings > System > Settings > Show cumulative forecasting percentages

On your invoicing screens, All Forecasts and Project > Forecasts, you will be able to show the (Per Month) % to Complete column. When you enter a percentage here it will automatically calculate the forecast based on the input percentage against the budget amount. You can then proceed to invoice as you normally would.



It is recommended you begin invoicing from either of the forecast screens, and always check the percentages are correct before creating an invoice. Avoid manually overriding the invoice amounts as things can easily get our of sync. If you find yourself in this situation and need assistance contact