Receipting a supplier invoice against a Purchase Order (PO) refers to ticking off PO line items against a Supplier Invoice received.
You can only receipt against Ready for Supplier or Partially Completed POs as these status' indicate that the PO has been sent to the Supplier but not completely fulfilled. If the PO is partially receipted, there will be a “Received” tick against each receipted line item in the PO. You can also see the system calculated “% Receipted” in a PO directory screen, which indicates the portion of total qty of the purchase order that has been received thus far.
Fully receipt a Purchase Order
Partially receipt a Purchase Order
Keeping tabs of your Purchase Orders
Fully receipting a line or multiple lines
To receipt a line item, tick the tick box against the line item or items, and select the ‘Receipt selected’ button, which will open a new modal.
Enter Payment Due Date and Supplier Invoice Reference details
Select ‘Receipt Items’ button.
Save your changes by selecting the Save button at the bottom of the PO record
Only Unreceipted items can be selected for receipting. If you have selected a receipted item as part of your selection, the receipt button will not appear!
Partially receipting a line
If your supplier has delivered or billed specific line item partially you can partially receipt the line in the receipting modal by adjusting the amount or quantity that has been pre-filled in the form. You can do this both as an amount or as a quantity.
The system will automatically deduct the receipted amount from the original line item, and create a new item for the amount or quantity receipted to ensure visibility on the progress of the PO overall.
If you partially receipt as qty and update the unit price value, only the newly created receipted line will use the updated unit price
You can’t receipt lines both as an amount and as a quantity in one go, so if you have a supplier invoice where some of the line items are invoiced as quantity and others as amount, you need to process the two types separately.
You will be able to export all line items in one go as long as the Payment Due Date and Supplier invoice reference number match
Keeping tabs on where your Purchase Orders are at
Since Purchase Orders can be critical for project delivery it is important to be able to see where specific POs are at in terms of expected delivery date & percentage delivered. We have a number of additional columns to the PO directory page to help you manage your POs, as well as the ability to group by number of a parameters.
You can see individual PO line items in your Expense directory where you can identify them through the ID referring to the PO ID. If you want to see the details of any of these PO related Expenses, clicking the ID will take you to the PO itself.
Purchase Order audit logging and internal comments
There is an extensive audit logging for Purchase Orders. Any saved change on a PO can be viewed by navigating to the ‘See full history’ link. The page that opens contains details of saved changes, when it was actioned and by whom. You will also be able to see all the internal notes entered against the PO.