Fiscal Year
Enter the month that your fiscal year starts from. There is currently no logic associated with this setting as the financial year set up is being used to set a financial reporting period
In the future, the month set here will be used to populate fiscal year based filters.
Within Projectworks, the fiscal year is used to:
Derive a person’s capacity hours for a year, so that if their cost is entered as an annual cost, their hourly cost can be calculated; and
Filter by the “FY” (fiscal year date range, e.g. 1st April to 31st March) on a number of list screens and reports.
Projectworks only allows a single fiscal year for your business.
If the “First month of fiscal year” is changed, this will change the FY date range filter, however people’s existing hourly costs will remain the same.
If some of your organisations have different financial and tax reporting periods that you want to view in a list scren or report, you can select “Range”, and select the start and end date of the desired financial reporting period.
Organisational standard work weeks
When creating an organisation you need to setup the standard work week hours for a full time employee (eg 8 hours per day, Monday to Friday). If you have multiple organisations set up you can see and edit the standard hours for each here.
The organisation standard work weeks can be edited either on the organisation itself, or from this page.
Simply edit the edit the hours and save to make changes.
IMPORTANT: If the standard work week structure for an organisation is updated, the new structure will only apply to new people that are created for that organisation. Existing capacity for people, or postings, belonging to that organisation will not be updated.