30 May 2021 - Alternate email address (for Xero payroll)

An alternate email address has been added to a person's profile to assist with matching employees when integrating with Xero for leave.

Included in this release:

If you have any feedback or questions please let us know - send an email to support@projectworks.io and one of the team will get back to you quick smart.



Alternate/backup email address for a person

An backup email address can now be entered and saved for a person. Initially this won't be widely used within Projectworks, but it can be used to link Projectworks users to an employee record in Xero payroll.

The backup email address can be saved on a person's profile. Note that the email address must be unique across all people in your Projectworks environment.

How we match Projectworks users to employees in Xero payroll

If you are integrated with Xero payroll we will attempt to match Projectworks people to Xero payroll employees by:

  1. Their Projectworks login (email address)
  2. Their backup email address on their Projectworks profile

Once a user has been successfully mapped to the employee in Xero, the Xero payroll ID will be used to retain the link.


API updates - great for Zapier

We are continuing to make additions to the API to assist customers with integrations and now have a number of customers using Zapier to assist with integrating with Projectworks. Check out our page on Zapier: https://zapier.com/apps/projectworks/integrations 

Customers have integrated: SalesForce, Microsoft Dynamics, Pipedrive, OneDesk, Microsoft DevOps, SharePoint as well as bespoke builds.

Additional endpoints

In order to support the creation of more entities through Zapier, a number of the existing endpoints have been updated to allow for more input parameters, allowing allowing a user to get a specific entity.

GET /api/v{version}/Common/GLCodes
New input parameters:
  • Code (string)
  • Description (string)
  • IsActive (boolean)
GET /api/v{version}/Common/TaxTypes
New input parameters:
  • Name (string)
  • IsActive (boolean)
GET /api/v{version}/Common/Locations
New input parameters:
  • Name (string)
  • IsActive (boolean)
GET /api/v{version}/Common/WorkWeeks
New input parameters:
  • Name (string)
GET /api/v{version}/Common/CostRateCards
New input parameters:
  • Name (string)
  • Description (string)
  • IsActive (boolean)
GET /api/v{version}/Common/AgreementTypes
New input parameters:
  • Name (string)
GET /api/v{version}/Common/HolidayCalendars
New input parameters:
  • Name (string)
GET /api/v{version}/Common/RevenueRateCards
New input parameters:
  • Name (string)
  • Description (string)
  • IsActive (boolean)
GET /api/v{version}/Users/Roles
New input parameters:
  • Code (string)