If you don’t want to pass on the cost of billable time to your customer, you can write-off the time.
Writing-off time entries prevents them from being invoiced and removes the time from the project’s WIP (Work In Progress). When you are delivering a project, you may want to write-off time for a number of reasons, e.g.:
the work took longer than quoted for;
customer goodwill;
an internal mistake.
Projectworks users with access to write-off time can write-off billable time entries from a Time Entry list screen:
My Time Entries;
All Time Entries;
Person > Time Entries; or
Project > Time Entries.
Read more about getting access to write off time entries →
You can write-off an individual time entry or select multiple time entries to write-off in bulk.
Time entries that can be written-off
Time entries that have been added to billable timecodes can be written-off if they haven’t been:
invoiced; or
already written-off.
If you have access to write-off time entries, you can “undo write-off” for any time entries that are already written off.
If a project with written-off time entries has been archived, you cannot “Undo write-off”. If you need to invoice, or move written-off time entries to an unbillable timecode, the project will need to be unarchived first.
You may not have access to write-off time for all projects or all people.
If you think you should be able to write-off time that you don’t have the ability to, contact your Projectworks administrator.
Writing-off individual time entries
If you have access to write-off the individual time entry, you can hover over the three horizontal dots on the time entry and select the option to “Write-off”. If a time entry has been written-off in error the write-off can be undone.
Writing-off time entries in bulk
If you have access to write-off time entries, the options to:
Write-off; and
Undo write-off;
will be displayed when you select one to many time entries via the bulk action check boxes in a time entries list screen.
Viewing written-off time in Projectworks
There isn’t a dedicated write-off report available in Projectworks, however users with “Can see dollars” access can view what time entries have been written-off via any of the Time Entry list screens:
My Time Entries;
All Time Entries;
- Person > Time Entries; or
Project > Time Entries.
You can select to filter Time Entires by “Invoiced”, and select the “Written-off” time only, or grouped by “Invoiced”. e.g.:
Users with “Can write-off” access can also select the written-off columns in the Time Entries screens, so that they can view who wrote-off time and when the time was written-off, e.g.:
The Hrs x Rate column will enable you to view the amount of work that has been written-off.
Access Control
Projectworks users who “can write-off” time can write-off time, which prevents the time entries from being invoiced and removes the time from the project’s WIP (Work In Progress).
Projectworks administrators can enable “can write-off” for access levels that have access to:
“Can view other’s” time; and
Can see dollars.
Different access levels can be set to enable a person with access to write-off time entries at different levels, so you may not have access to write-off all time from all time entry list screens.
I can only write-off some time entries
If you have restricted access to write-off time entries for:
Organisations; or
People; or
Assigned projects;
you will only be able to write-off some time entries.
Contact your Project Administrator if you should have access to write-off more time entries.
I want to include written-off time in invoices
Written-off time cannot be included in invoices. If you have access to edit/ create invoices, then you can write-down time entries to 0.00 during the invoicing process.
Learn more about how to make invoice adjustments on time →
I want to discount time, but not write-it all off
If you have access to edit/ create invoices, you can write-down time entries during the invoicing process.
Learn more about how to make invoice adjustments on time →
Written-off time is contributing to my budget burn
Projectworks includes written-off, written-down and written-up time in the budget burn at the hours x rate amount.
If you are wanting to exclude any of this time from your budget burn, you can:
Undo write-off; or
Uninvoice the time;
and move the time entries to an unbillable timecode with no rate (0.00).